Shiatsu Massage

This method of therapeutic massage is based on the same pressure point system as acupuncture. Meridians (sometimes called channels) are the pathways of life force – called Chi. According to Chinese philosophy, well-being is achieved by the un-obstructed and balanced chi flow. Meridian massage is a treatment for all. It can help to release tension, neck and shoulder pain, back problems, headaches, poor circulation, slow metabolism, and encourage positive emotional feelings.


30 Minutes

USD 69 /AED 250

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60 Minutes

USD 124 /AED 450

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90 Minutes

USD 178 /AED 650

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A Massage Spa Of Repute Does it The Right Way

There are a lot of massage centers but they are not all the same in the scope of types of services they offer. To get the best massage experience in a massage session, a luxury massage nearby at the Dubai Mall is right there to meet your needs. If you’re looking for a reliable massage center in the business enclave of Dubai, you don’t need to go too far. The spa massage center in sheikh zayed road Dubai should serve your purpose well. You just need to get the direction for massage near Sheikh Zayed road for your massage if that connects with your business location. Shiatsu massage is great but it is not all about shiatsu massage in the luxury massage center in Dubai. Other rare massage techniques exist too that take care of various needs of the clients. If you have experience with yoga, you should have gotten a taste of Thai Massage. For this type of massage, the therapist allows your body to go into different postures. You can have a twist or bend and other body postures to enhance the energy flow in your body to give the relief your body needs.

Why do we use it?

The benefits of a shiatsu massage are numerous. The massage gives you relief from a migraine. We do this by raising blood flow and relaxing the body. Much like the other massage types; you’re sure to have the desired relief that reduces tension, stress, and anxiety that relaxes and calms you. Shiatsu massage uses a pressure technique to target accupoints on the body to get the perfect massage.


30 Minutes

USD 69 /AED 250

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60 Minutes

USD 124 /AED 450

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90 Minutes

USD 178 /AED 650

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Our Spa Location

Cora Spa Massage Center
Al Saqr Business Tower Mezzanine Floor, Shop - M01 - Sheikh Zayed Road - Dubai

+971 524028847