4 Hand Massage in Dubai

A good way to describe a four hand massage could be “double the pleasure”. Four-hand massage is a trend that is becoming increasingly popular in the world, gaining more and more fans as time goes on. We created this post to tell you all about the benefits, techniques and insights for you to make a decision whether this massage therapy is for you or not. Read on and find out everything you need to know about four hand massage therapy in Dubai.

What is four-hand massage therapy?

Four hand massage therapy is a traditional Swedish or full body massage delivered by two different practitioners on the same patient. The massage therapist work together in a coordinated manner over the body of the patient bringing an increased level of relaxation in a reduced period of time among many other benefits. Usually, practitioners who embark in this kind of massage therapy work together for some time until they can achieve the ultimate coordination. They will work in a mirror-like sequence, so you will very likely feel four hands on your legs at the same time (or your shoulders, back or other part of the body). That coordination between the therapists is crucial for you to feel that your body is always balanced, regardless where they are working at the moment. The name of the technique is originally “Purva Karma” and the original goal is to send you into an even deeper state of relaxation than any other regular technique. because of this benefit and some more we are about to describe, this type of massage has gained a huge reputation in the past few years. Demand for this kind of massage therapy has grown non-stop in the past years.

What happens during a four-hand massage session?

The dynamics of a four-hand massage session is quite similar to that of a Swedish or a full body massage, but it involves two professionals. So, the result of that similitude + difference is that you definitely get the same result as in a good Swedish massage but on an amplified way. Other way to do it is to have each massage therapist do a different thing. For example, some people like having deep tissue massages but feel it is a little too painful, so they have one practitioner do the deep tissue while the other is giving a regular full body massage. His relaxes the mind and they forget about the subtle pain of the deep tissue while experiencing all its benefits. Mostly, your therapists will work together throughout your body with synchronized movements that are almost like choreography. Either one leads and the other follows or they both make different movements (if you like different kinds of massage). When the massage therapists have been working together for a long time, they not only mirror movements, but also strength so you can feel a balanced pressure in both sides of your body you are getting your massage at.

Benefits of four-hand massage

Now that you know exactly what goes on with four-hand massage, we are going to review the benefits. Some are exclusive to this kind of massage and some other are the regular benefits in an amplified way.

Complete, deeper relaxation

What happens with four-hand massage is a phenomenon that is related to brain hemispheres and has to do with the mind´s ability to follow other people´s movements. When you are getting a massage done, you can imagine what the masseuse is doing if you try hard and imagine it. For some people that is enough to get distracted from the relaxation and stay alert. When you are having four-hand massage, your brain won´t be able to cope with such a big stimuli coming from all around you, so it just gives up on the whole thing and reaches a different level of relaxation. You become completely detached from reality and might even fall asleep to wake up fresh and utterly relaxed. In terms of relaxation, there are few massage therapies that can get as far as four-hand massage can.

Improved blood circulation

You know that your blood circulation is crucial for health. You also know that your blood travels at an incredible speed and goes around your entire body. Well, because of the enhanced stimulation, the blood travels faster through all the vessels. With two pairs of hands opening them as they go, the blood flow you will feel will be like nothing you´ve experienced before.

Enhanced stress reduction

The stress reduction when it comes to four-hand massage has to do with two particular phenomenon: deep relaxation and boosted circulation. Because you reach a deeper level of relaxation, your body let go of mind problems easier and goes back to them way slower. The improved blood circulation helps the brain receive up to twice the oxygen as in a normal massage session. The more oxygen your brain receives, the more clarity you´ll have and the further away from stress you´ll be.

Muscle relaxation at a different level

Because of the relaxation phenomenon, your muscles can be worked on at a different level. For example patients who can´t stand deep-tissue massage can have it done in a four-hand massage situation. Also, as practitioners can focus on one side of your body, you can get special attention to every knot, fiber and stiff muscle you might have. Both professionals will have more strength and less fatigue on their thumbs as they go on with your massage.

Insomnia, anxiety and pain relief

Relaxation to a different level also boosts a great attribute of massage therapy which is the way that it affects several stress-related symptoms as insomnia and anxiety as well as the pain derived from a stiff neck or a sore back due to bad posture. Most customers fall asleep to wake up to a whole different body than the one they brought into the session. Have a four-hand massage in Dubai and test this for yourself, you´ll leave the facilities with a huge smile.

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