Arabic Massage Center in Dubai

Old Asian massage techniques have spread throughout the planet and gathered an increasing amount of fans in the past decades. Arabic massage is a mixture of different techniques that have a unique result.

If you want to enjoy the best of every culture, then Arabic massage sessions are tailor-made for you. Read on and find out which are the techniques that make Arabic massage a world-wide favorite.

What is Arabic Massage?

One of the strongest points of an Arabic massage is the communication that it establishes with the masseuse. It is deeply relaxing; that has earned it the name of “the soul massage”. Although it is a deeply relaxing practice, it also is an energizing session. Patients usually leave the facilities feeling equally stretched, energized and relaxed without any kind of back or neck pain. Let´s take a look at some of the techniques that are combined to create this unique kind of massage.


Most people are familiar with a technique based on the same principle that is called acupuncture. Familiarity comes from the shared basis in the belief that energy of life flows through the different points in our bodies called “meridians”. With time, stress and modern life, these spots get tensioned and blocked. By applying specific pressure to them, masseuses can unblock them and relieve the pain that comes from a blocked energy flow.

Among some of the symptoms that can appear because of these blockages are:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Stomach ache
  • Back pain
  • Tension

With the proper attention by a professional, these spots can be liberated, and all those symptoms will fade away as soon as they appeared.

This first stage of the Arabic massage is a very important one energetically speaking, but the client feels it as if the masseuse is just rubbing them in certain areas. The areas that the masseuse rubs and applies the needed pressure to are not necessarily related to the ones that the client is aching at. What the therapists seek is the balance of the ying, yang and qi by reestablishing the correct energy flow across all meridians. Achieving that might not need any pressure on the neck or the back, but these could be tremendously benefited from this technique.

The biggest difference with acupuncture is that this is a gentle way to unblock meridians, unlike acupuncture, which clients feel as a more invasive treatment.

The Four Elements

According to the supporting literature behind Arabic massage and borrowing from Thai massage, the masseuse will work to align the four elements: water, earth, air and fire. According to Thai knowledge, these four elements rule our bodies and are present in every atom in the universe. It is not a tangible presence, but more like a quality of each element that is in the core of everything, including us.

One of these elements is the dominant in each of us and as such, it has the tendency to be excessively present. This determination is given from birth and depends on the time and day we are born. Along with the element´s qualities comes an anchoring in certain part of our body, for example:

  • Earth Muscle, bone, skin, tendons and all solid organs.
  • Water – Blood, lymphatic liquids and system, eyes and all other liquids in our body.
  • Wind – All movements are associated with air and also respiration, sexuality, digestion, aging and the intestines.
  • Fire – Everything related to our body´s temperature, infections, the circulatory system and metabolism is ruled by this element.

If they go out of balance, our body will start suffering by disability, excess or defect. Once that happens, we become ill. According to this philosophy, the work of the masseuse is to align the elements and allow the patient to live a healthy and balanced life.

It is important to note, though, that children and elderly people have a more fragile balance of elements. In the case of children, because elements are not fully formed yet, chaos among them is common. In the case of elderly people, elements are fully formed, but become weaker with time; it is almost as if they would wear out and eventually go out of balance. This situation needs activity from the masseuse.

Peeling Ritual, Hot Water and Rinsing

After all previous stages are completed, the Arabic massage borrows an ancient technique from the Moroccan bath and through hot water and rinsing, they enhance your body´s regeneration ratio. This final part is related to the skin, your body´s largest organ. With the peeling of old skin, the application of hot water and the rinsing, toxins and old, dead skin that might be clogging and obstructing your pores is removed.

Most people find this last part of the massage the most relaxing. It might be so, or maybe it is just the domino effect of it being the third in the chain. Whichever is the real cause (domino effect or the technique itself), the relaxation achieved with the peeling ritual, the hot water and the rinsing is superb. As pores open up with the steam of hot water and toxins are released, breathing becomes easier and clients feel that they are lighter.

Conclusion – Get an Arabic Massage to Get the Best of All

Because an Arabic massage is a mixture of techniques including acupressure, soft Thai massage and hot water, the feeling of relaxation is maximized. Also, because of the aligning of the elements and unblocking of the meridians, people feel more energized, as if they were capable of doing more with the same effort. This is a feeling somewhat comparable with that of getting extra air. An aligned and relaxed body is equal to a more energized, happier person. In fact, most clients state that after an Arabic massage session, they can think with more clarity.

The best Arabic massage center in Dubai is Cora SPA because they have experts in each of the needed techniques and the facilities are perfect. Get an Arabic massage session today and obtain the ultimate relaxing and energizing experience.

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