How Massage Reduces Stress?

The fact that massage therapy reduces stress has been studied a number of times by many experts. Although there are some positive results that have been widely shared by most clients, some other are still in testing stage. Read on to find out which are all the benefits of massage therapy for stress reduction.
Body Changes Chest Pain Sometimes chest pain is caused by excessive muscle tension, an old injury or overusing them. If that is the case, deep-tissue massage can alleviate the pain and release the contractures, leaving you good as new. This is a very common type of massage for sports people, especially those who exercise using their pectoral muscles heavily. Stress is also alleviated because going from chronic chest pain to not having it can really relieve some tension. Fatigue Fatigue is, in many cases caused by the tired muscles of the body that either because of exercise or nervousness, are tensioned. A good massage session can set them free from that state. By rubbing your tissue, a good massage therapist can boost blood circulation, relaxing and energizing your body at the same time. Avoid feeling the fatigue that can be a stressor due to the lack of energy to complete tasks during the day. Headache Headache and migraines are major stressors for most people. It is a strange situation in which cause, and effect are interrelated. Stress can be the source of the headache and living with a headache is definitely a cause of stress. If he massages has to do with nervousness and tension, a massage therapy session will relieve you of it and stress will be drastically lower. Muscle Tension or Pain Muscle tension is a side effect of stress. Whenever you get muscle tension because of nervous states, your muscles suffer and you get contractures, knots and all kinds of problems related to them. Having a sore body to face the day with can also be a stressor. A massage therapy session can change that for you. Sleep Insomnia is another side effect of those who suffer from a high level of stress. When the mind won´t stop you just cannot sleep and hence, your muscles get tense and you get contractures and fatigue. Massage therapy can turn that reality into something different for you. If your muscles are relaxed from a massage therapy session, that can be soothing to the mind and help you sleep better. Stomach Through some techniques like reflexology (a type of massage that treats all the areas in the body through hands and feet) you can deal with stomach aches. Just make sure that the practitioner has the needed qualification to perform the reflexology massage. Behavior Changes Angry Outbursts Angry outbursts are a common response for those who suffer from big amounts of stress. It seems from the outside as if they were always about to blow up. If that is your case, then you should try with massage therapy to relieve the pain and tension of your muscles and soothe your mood. Drug or Alcohol Abuse This is one of the worse effects of stress levels. When you feel high levels of nervousness and anxiety, you are very likely to channel that negative energy through a sedative substance. Drugs and alcohol are some of the most dangerous to your organism and social image in the short-term. Massage therapy can deal with your anxiety releasing serotonin to your blood stream and fighting anxiety and nervousness naturally.

Overeating or Undereating

Overeating is usually known as craving for food. This is another side effect of stress because food is a natural way to release endorphins into the bloodstream, especially those high in processed sugar. Undereating is usually associated with losing the appetite through nervousness. The famous quote “my stomach is closed”. With a good massage therapy session, what you can get is the relief of the nervousness to go back to your usual eating habits.

Social Withdrawal

When you are too loaded with your own work, one of the most common responses is to withdraw from your social circle to cope with your own reality on your own. Suddenly, you have the feeling that everything and everybody is bothering you. To avoid this, you can loosen up your nervous system with a good massage-therapy session.

Tobacco Use

This is, perhaps, the worst drug of them all to use in struggling with stress. Tobacco is highly addictive and legal in most countries, which makes matters way worse. Tobacco use is usually associated with anxiety, therefore, if you fight anxiety with regular massage therapy sessions, you can avoid this side effect of stress. Mood Changes Anxiety This is, perhaps, one of the main and most common symptoms of stress. Most people start feeling restless with their obligations and soon, they are so deep in that they think insomnia, contractures and nervousness is normal. To fight anxiety, you can have a good massage therapy session, but you need to also tackle on the base of the problem.

Irritability or Anger

Same as with the outbursts, but in a more steady way, irritability is very common with people who suffer from a lot of stress. Also, if something is wasting their time, they feel as if people were doing it on purpose. A good massage therapy session can really change that by removing the stress off the muscles and allowing you to be in a better mood on a regular basis.

Lack of Motivation or Focus

When you feel tasks are too big all the time, it can take you to lose motivation. If that is your case, you are suffering from acute stress. With relaxing massage therapy sessions in a steady basis, you will very likely get over the sense of losing motivation and be more energized too.


These are all the side effects/common symptoms of stress on your body and all the ways in which a good massage therapy session can help you cope with it. Get a massage session and forget about stress.

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