Relationship Benefits of Couple Massage

The number of spas offering couple massage is increasing by the hour. It is completely understandable because it is the ultimate experience to forget about the real world and just be with your loved one for some quality time. The benefits of having a couples massage or spa day are plenty and vary from one spa to the next as much as from one couple to the next. We will name the most important seven, but these are not the only ones you might encounter with your significant other. Read on and find out the seven benefits of a couple’s massage at the right place.

Benefit Number One – A Bonding Experience

If you have never tried a couple massage or a massage at all, then it is going to be even more signifying for you. Trying out something for the first time with someone you love generates a sense of bonding. You look for comfort and shelter in each other´s eyes. If it is not the first time you do it, it is also a bonding experience because it is a different kind of talking that requires no words and is unique to that moment in time. Couples who get a massage together usually come out feeling tighter together than before they got into the room.

Benefit Number Two – Get More Affection

All the hormones that make us feel better are invited to the massage too. Your body will release serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin during the massage session because of the expert work of the masseuse. This phenomenon will very likely put a smile upon your face and if that happens and you are holding hands or turn your head and see that same smile in your significant other, the feeling that you will get is a huge “I love you” that involves no words at all. A couple massage will increase the affection you feel for the world thanks to your body´s chemical reactions and will definitely be amplified on your loved one.

Benefit Number Three – Recover Any Lost Connection

This is especially true for those couples that have recently become parents and have literally not seen each other´s faces or talked about anything other than diapers and poop in a while. That erodes any couple and it takes some effort to get back on track. Getting a couple massage is a huge leap in that exact direction. If your connection is lost, deteriorated or just a little low when you begin the session, chances are that trend will be completely reverted by the end of it. This is not a guarantee that once you have two non-sleep nights because of your baby´s crying, things won´t be back to what they were, but will surely give you some extra air to keep on swimming.

Benefit Number Four – Enjoy Quality Time

Couples sometimes find it hard to just put the world on pause and dedicate some quality time to being together. This is increasingly complicated as people grow older and life gets more complicated. A couple massage is the indicated place to get plenty of quality time with your significant other. Starting from the talk wearing only a robe while you are waiting, to holding hands while at it and the amazing feeling of relaxation you both will have once it is done.

Benefit Number Five – Light that Spark

Because of the natural chemicals released by your bodies, the warm light, inviting music and delicious scents, you will find the ideal scenery to light that romantic spark. It is very common that after a massage session couples recover their best version of intimacy. Getting a couple massage is often a great way of lighting that spark and not letting it cool down ever again.

Benefit Number Six – Forget About Problems, Relax and Love

This is a great benefit of couple massage therapy. People who enter the massage room with their head full of problems, their shoulders hard as a rock and their neck under a lot of tension often find themselves forgetting about all of that as soon as they lay down facing down. Even more, some couples that are going through difficult moments and decide to have a couple massage forget about the problems they had with each other and hold hands as if they were back in the earliest stages of their relationship. The connection between relaxation and love is very common in human beings. The more you are able to relax, the more open you are to feeling love. Forgetting about your problems and finding your couple with that same smile you are having might be the ultimate solution for couple problems.

Benefit Number Seven – Communicate at a Non-verbal Level

Nine times out of ten, words get in the way of feelings. It is very common in couples that they fail to understand each other with words. This barrier can melt away with some scent, oil and gentle scrubbing by a masseuse while lying down next to each other. In fact, it is not recommended to communicate verbally at the masseuse room; this discourages that kind of interaction. Your bodies will become the only way you can tell something to each other and hence holding hands, smiling or doing other non-verbal gestures is very common. Masseuses will welcome that interaction between you, so do it with confidence.

Conclusion – Get a Couple Massage

All these benefits from having a couple massage are nothing short from amazing. If you get to think about it, to reconnect in such a spiritual, non-verbal way with your significant other has absolutely no comparison. Sometimes it takes just a change of scenery and rules to put the entire world in stand-by and enjoy some quality time with the person that means the most to you. Most couples that get to the massage room with problems with each other leave holding hands and ready to face the world with more energy. Get a couple massage and rejuvenate your relationship today.

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