Swedish Massage Vs Deep Tissue Massage- How are they Different?

If you are thinking about getting a massage and you are a first timer, you should sit and down and understand all the different types of massages that are available the moment. Each massage has its own methods and techniques and offers different advantages. The options are so many, that if you land up in a spa without any knowledge, you will end up feeling very confused and indecisive. Two of the most common massages that people mix up are the Swedish Massage and the Deep Tissue Massage.

Swedish massage and deep tissue massage are both very popular massages that are often confused for one another. These two massages have some similarities but when it comes to techniques, areas of focus and pressure they are very different. Let’s understand the difference between these two popular massages and find out if you should go for a Swedish massage in Dubai or a deep tissue massage.

What is Swedish Massage?

Swedish massage is one of the most common massage techniques and is much loved for its relaxing capabilities. It also known as a classic massage and is focused on releasing muscle tension using different strokes and movements. This massage is very gentle and is ideal for individuals who are looking for an extremely soothing and relaxing session.

A Swedish massage can loosen tight muscles that are caused as a result of daily activities. It can be beneficial for stress located in neck, lower back and shoulders.

How is Swedish Massage Performed?

Swedish massage is done on the whole body; therefore, a therapist will start from the front or the back and work on the whole body in the process. You can choose where you want to start and flip over when the area is done. One important thing to keep in mind while getting a Swedish massage is to let the therapist know if you have any concerns like a stiff neck or a painful lower back. This way, the therapist will pay extra attention to these areas and will ensure that the issues are resolved before you leave the spa. Also, do not forget to mention the kind of pressure you will prefer. If something gets painful, be very vocal about it.

Swedish massage is done using kneading, deep circular movements, long strokes and passive joint movements. All these techniques relax the muscles and increase the blood flow in the body, stimulate nerve endings and improve lymph drainage. Generally, a lotion or oils is used as a lubricant and you may be asked to choose what you like.

Like already mentioned, Swedish massage is a full body massage, therefore, you will be needed to completely undress for it, but you can choose to keep or remove your undergarments. Also, the therapist will drape a sheet on your body and will adjust it from time to time to work on different areas. If you feel uncomfortable about something while getting a Swedish Massage in Dubai, mention it and the therapist will be happy to work around it.

Now, let’s move on understand what is a Deep Tissue Massage and how is it performed to clearly know the difference between a Swedish Massage and a Deep Tissue Massage.

What is a Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep Tissue Massage, as its name suggests, is a deeper massage as compared to Swedish massage. This means, the techniques used in this massage are strong handed and are meant to target the inner layers of the body like muscles, dense connective tissues, tendons, etc. The aim of a Deep Tissue Massage is to relax contracted muscles and tissues while reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow to soft tissues.

Deep Tissue massage uses a number of techniques that are very similar to the Swedish massage but as mentioned the stroking and kneading in this massage are not at all gentle. This massage involves a lot of pressure and sometime may get uncomfortable or painful. This massage is ideal for runners, athletes and individuals who are suffering from injuries. It is also known to beneficial for individuals with lower back pain and fibromyalgia.

How is Deep Tissue Massage Performed?

Before a Deep Tissue Massage, you will be asked about your problem areas. It is the protocol, so if that doesn’t happen, you should insist on discussing your pain areas. This massage can be both full body of focused on a particular area.

The massage session begins with you being asked to lie on your back or on your stomach depending on where your problem area is. If you have chosen full body, the therapist will start either from the back or the front and will ask you to flip half way through. Like all full body massages, you will be asked to undress before the session and whether or not to keep your undergarments is completely your decision. You will be offered a sheet to cover yourself through the session.

A Deep Tissue Massage starts like a gentle Swedish massage but starts getting intense within no time with the therapist trying to reach your problem, areas. A Deep Tissue Massage therapist will use his/her fingers, knuckles, palms and even elbows to increase pressure. If you are feeling very uncomfortable or a lot of pain, make sure to mention that so that your therapist can offer you a change of technique and make you comfortable.

Being open with your therapist will go a long way in achieving the intended benefits of this massage. Please note that you will feel quite sore for a few days after this massage session and you may need to help yourself with heating pads, ice and stretching.

Which is Better: Swedish Massage or Deep Tissue Massage?

Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage are very different in the pressure area while being very similar in the technique area. So, choosing which one is better completely depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking to relax and unwind on a lazy evening, you should go for Swedish massage in Dubai and if you are looking to resolve some muscle problems or like your massage sessions to be intense, choose Deep Tissue Massage. Both of them have their own advantages and are a must try.

5 Replies to “Swedish Massage Vs Deep Tissue Massage- How are they Different?”

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