These are the Unmasked Myths and Definite Truths About Massage Therapy and its Benefits

The known benefits of massage therapy are plenty and there are more being discovered all the time. As time goes by, site-specific traditional practices with thousands of years of tradition come to the light. For example, the fact that you can walk into a massage salon and choose between Thai, Russian and Swedish traditional massages all in one place is not something that always happened. Well, that situation set the ground for myths to appear about massage therapy and its benefits. Read on to unmask the myths and learn the truths about massage therapy.

The Myths

1 – A massage has to be painful or it is not working

This is absolutely wrong. For starters, all of us have different sensitivity toleration and what is deep and painful for some might be smooth and light for others. There are some treatments that are painful like tendinitis and frictions, but even those are carried on with patient agreement. A good massage therapist will always increase the pressure gradually according to patient´s tolerance and comfort. Massage should never be painful and should always be working.

2 – Deeper massage is always better

Another myths is a theory based on muscle tissue response. A great example of this is lymphatic drainage in which the pressure applied has to match that of a dime; otherwise the lymphatic channels will be closed. It is true that some deep tissue massage techniques are used to relieve that kind of issues, but that is only one kind of massage. Deeper is not always better and, in some cases, it is the opposite.

3 – One massage session should be enough

Some patients show up for a massage therapy session and feel like after 50 minutes they should be like new. Well, sometimes it takes more than just 50 minutes to reverse conditions that have been piling up for years. A serious massage therapist will evaluate your conditions and give you a work plan to alleviate all your symptoms.

4 – All massages are basically the same

This is a mistake that very likely comes from people who have always gone to the same spa with the same objective. There are as many massage types as patients to apply them to. For example, you can go for a spa day near you and have the ultimate relaxation experience with a full body massage in Dubai or can have a massage in a clinical environment by a licensed professional trained to focus on certain areas only. Massage

depends largely on the needs of the patient and also on the skills and experience of the masseuse. Not all massages are the same.

5 – The effects of a massage therapy session are only temporar

This is untrue depending on the masseuse you are visiting. Your muscles have a long memory and the bad postures you might be adopting in diverse areas of your life can hurt them. For example in office conditions as you bend over to watch your screen closely. A good masseuse will relieve tension and, with repeated visits, reeducate the muscles of your body to get the proper posture and avoid the tension you might be piling up.

6 – All a massage is doing for you is moving your muscles around a little

This is absolutely not true. A good massage session with a qualified masseuse can address many issues including alleviating any swollen joints moving the synovial fluid that had become stagnant in them. Also, the tissue connecting bones, joints and muscle (fascia) can be stretched when tightened.

The Truths

1 – Relaxes your body lowering stress levels

The stress hormone is well-known by most people, it is called cortisol. Most people reach peak levels of this substance after being under stressful weeks of work and family needs. Cortisol is never alone; it brings other friends with it such as insomnia, headaches and digestive problems. Massage therapy sessions have been proven to diminish cortisol levels avoiding these adverse stress effects and improving overall mood.

2 – Eases muscle pain

One of the main benefits of a good massage therapy session is to reduce muscle pain. Massage increases blood circulation and this has the same effect you get when you rub a part of your body you just hit against something. It alleviates the pain immediately.

3 – Boosts immunity

A study was conducted in 2010 by a prestigious journal of alternative medicine showing how patients who underwent massage therapy sessions had more white blood cells in their blood stream.

4 – Improves sleep

This is almost a side effect of a relaxed body with lower levels of cortisol. Your relaxed muscles feel more loose and, combined with the improved mood, you get an easier flow of melatonin (cortisol nemesis when it comes to sleep). The result is deeper and restful sleep.

5 – Alleviates depression and anxiety

There are several factors because of which people have this effect of alleviation on depression and anxiety. First of all because human touch in a safe context in the hands of a specialist can have relaxing, therapeutic effects on depressed patients who wouldn´t receive such touch on their skin otherwise. Second because the reduction of cortisol and the release of endorphins fight back against the symptoms of these syndromes.

6 – Improve circulation

Because of the relaxation of certain tissue, muscles and tendons, the blood flow of your body will be improved. If your massage therapy sessions are not sporadic, but continuous, this can be a long-term benefit. Bringing the needed blood supply that your damaged, tense and stiff muscles need for healing is crucial for wellness. Also, the hands-on pressure that therapists apply can help the flow of blood through congested, damaged areas of your body.


Despite the myths and misconceptions that are in everybody´s mouths about massage therapy, there have been many studies conducted to prove the real benefits of this alternative medicine. Don´t just take it from us, book a session of full body massage in Dubai and see it for yourself, you will not regret it.

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